Flowers 101: Orchids

These flowers rock: I don't joke orchid (get it?)


Given that we just celebrated Hong Kong Establishment Day, we had Hong Kong in our minds! Lots of people mistaken the flower on the Hong Kong flag as a five-petal orchid, little did we know, that it actually represents the flower on the orchid tree, also known as the Bauhinia. Turns out, Hong Kong orchid trees doesn’t bear orchids, but legumes that are related to common peas and beans!

Hong Kong Flower Flag Bauhinia

Photo via SCMP 

Anyway that doesn’t make us love orchids any less and this week we want to share with you why you should too! Read on for some top tips on how you can better care for your orchids.

The orchid is one of the most successful groups of plants with the world’s largest group of blooming flowers. They grow in every continent but one (Antarctica), and comes in hundreds of shapes and sizes. The smallest orchid bloom is as small a ten cent coin!

It is also the perfect flowers for any occasion or mood, there’s a color of orchid to express any emotion and situation. It comes in every colour of the rainbow, except for black! This makes orchids very versatile, it can act as a stand alone centrepiece or as exotic additions to arrangements.


We know vanilla is commonly used in cookies, cakes and ice cream, but how many of you know that it comes from an orchid! The flavour extracted from the pod of the vanilla fruit is found in a species of orchid. This species of orchid is the only one that can produce edible fruit!

Vanilla Hong Kong BYDEAU Orchids Fruit

Photo via seeds-gallery-shop 

It has also been believed that orchids have healing powers: fighting off diseases and other protective properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, the orchid was used to cure coughs and lung illnesses. In Greek and Aztecian cultures it has been known to give fertility and strength.  Hmm. . . We wonder if that’s true . . . 


Mokara Orchid

Mokara Orchids are the star of the Rio Rio, conveniently it is shaped like a star with a shrunk middle! 

Yellow Pink Red Mokara Orchid The Rio Rio Hong Kong Bouquet Orchids Colorful
Mokara Orchid yellow

Photo via Amazon 

Cymbidium Orchid

Cymbidium Orchids are featured in the Ellen. Cymbidiums are known to withstand cold and summer heat without wilting.

The Ellen Cymbidium Orchid White Green Fresh HK BYDEAU
Cymbidium Orchid Green Hong Kong

Photo via  Metroflowermarket

Vanda Orchid

The Vanda Orchid can be spotted in the Fiona. It’s known for its large, vivid blooms and love Hong Kong humidity.

The Fiona Vanda Orchid Fresh Box Flowers Hong Kong BYDEAU
Vanda Orchid

Photo via FiftyFlowers 


Flower care is a captivating experience. If you are head over heels for beautiful cut flowers, make the most of these useful tips to extend the life of your much-loved orchid

Vase life – 14 to 21 days

The Samantha Orchids Fresh HK Flowers BYDEAU

If you want to keep your orchids fresh and beautiful, follow these useful tips:

-     Trim the stems of the orchids regularly.
-     Place them in fresh water and change the water regularly. You can change the water every second day for best results.
-     Remove all the dead orchid flowers from the stalk.
-     You can also place individual cut orchid flowers in a bowl of water and they'll float prettily.

Cover image by Yeimy Olver